Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where does the time go?

Did you notice anything different on the blog today?

Turns out my trusty Countdown Widget wasn't working quite right...  Yesterday the countdown said we had 71 days left but really, we have less than 50!  We just lost 3 weeks!  Come on Team ORANGE, it's time to get it in gear and get moving and losing!

How are things for you today?  Does the rain slow you down?  Does it invite you to sit on the couch, cuddled up with a movie and movie snacks?  Maybe even a fire in the hearth?  NO!  Rain should remind you that it's nearly SPRING and then comes SUMMER and shorts and swim suits and sleeveless tops and lots of outdoor activities that require you to be able to keep up with the young whipper-snappers.  These dreary days are your opportunity to get off the couch and prepare to welcome Spring.

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