Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I received the following in an email this week (Orange Bolding is my emphasis):

Americans search for ways to infuse daily life with the sacred
In an article entitled “Infusing the Sacred Into Daily Life” in the first USA Today issue for February, 2011, I read the following, “Newlyweds Matthew and Becca Brench of South Hamilton, Mass., want to grow in contentment and self-control. To get there, they fast together every Wednesday, consuming nothing but water and fruit juice.” It was enough to cause me to read the entire article which you can do as well at http://yourlife.usatoday.com/mind-soul/spirituality/story/2011/01/Americans-search-for-ways-to-infuse-daily-life-with-the-sacred/43124298/1.
With Lent approaching I thought the article might be helpful in addressing the attitude that people don’t have time for “more” spiritual exercises. Here is where one can understand that “raising spiritual awareness may not necessarily require extra time — just extra mindfulness and intentionality in day-to-day activities.” The author D. Jeffrey MacDonald concludes with the idea that “Today, Americans are cultivating spirituality by probing deeper dimensions of things they do each day, from prayer to exercise and volunteering.”

One of my biggest excuses in my pre-fit life was that I didn't want to give the time to fitness.  I didn't want every day to revolve around when I would work out.  I didn't want every meal to be about counting calories.  I didn't want to be INTENTIONAL.  What I've discovered is that my life doesn't revolve around my efforts to be fit, but fitness is a part of my life.  It doesn't take any longer to make a healthy meal than an unhealthy one.  Honest!  Really think about the time you spend in line in the drive-through and then getting the meal home and handing out everyone's meals and finally eating.  Probably, you've given 20-30 minutes and more money to a meal that is not going to help you on your goal to a healthier you.  Those same 20-30 minutes spent preparing a meal would have served you and your family better and saved you money!  Be intentional about a better lifestyle and discover that it isn't any harder...just better.

What examples do you have where you choose the option that seems easier and quicker, but not good for you?  Is is really any quicker?  Do you really feel any better?  Share!

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