Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi Team ORANGE!  It's the Thursday before Super Bowl Sunday. That means it is time to start making a plan.  Super Bowl parties tend to involve a LOT of food (and not healthy food either) and often a LOT of beer or other alcoholic beverages.  Start thinking about how you are going to handle the temptations, what your limits will be so that on Monday YOU will feel like the winner!  If you know you are going to indulge, schedule in some extra workout time and plan to eat super healthy on Saturday and Monday.  No one is saying you can't enjoy the party, just be smart about it and plan for it.

I have my fingers crossed that the weather is decent enough for our lake-side hike this Saturday.  I am really feeling the pull to be outside and active.  The forecast has deteriorated as the week has progressed, unfortunately, but sometimes we have to be tougher than the weather.  If we wait for the perfect day, we'll be waiting a LONG time.

Finally, I want to congratualte our whole team!  Everyone weighed in and is sticking with it!  Next weigh-in is February 13.  Are you ready???


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