Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

It's a new month - February is here.  Are you ready to make it a GREAT month?

This is a reminder about the activity  chart that Cyndi gave everyone at the kick-off.  Are you using it?  How many points have you earned?  What's the easiest way for you to earn a point?  What's the biggest challenge?

The last 2 weeks, Cyndi challenged us to keep the daily food log everyday - every bite! - for at least a week.  Did you do it?  What did you learn?  It's a fascinating exercise because you WILL learn something.  Maybe you will learn that you don't want to eat as much when you have to write it down...maybe you'll learn that your portions are quite larger than you realized...maybe you'll learn that you don't eat very much protein....maybe you'll learn that your diet is actually pretty good...

One of the benefits to the daily food log is the simple discipline of keeping this challenge at the forefront of your mind all day.  If you are committed to writing down everything that goes in your mouth (if you bite it, you write it!) then all day long you will be aware of what you are a part of this challenge.  Don't look at it as if you are being scolded over every choice - look at it as being part of something larger than yourself.  You are now part of Team ORANGE!  You are part of the St. Gabriel Fitness Challenge!  You are NOT alone!

So, if you haven't kept a food log for a full week yet, try starting today.  It WILL impact you and it WILL help you!  Leave a comment letting us all know how you plan to approach the daily logging challenge.


1 comment:

  1. WHo is sick of hearing about my favorite tool in the world - LoseIt? Truly, it is the biggest reason I was able to successfully lose 30 pounds this last year and it is helping me to keep the weight off. There's a link to the right if you want to check it out...
