Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lakeside Walk today (we hope)

With any luck, today will be a lovely walk around the lake...pondering and reflecting "What in my life is dormant?"

The lake is a great setting to walk and reflect on why you are a part of this Fitness Challenge.  Most of the trees are bare, no leaves, no birds, no life.  This is the dormant season.  Do you feel like your life is currently dormant?  Are you waiting to live until after you reach your goal?   Are you unable to physically do the things you want to be able to do?  Like walk upstairs all the way from the basement to the 2nd level of your home or walk the dog a mile and a half or run along your child’s bike as she learns how to ride without training wheels?  Do you avoid the pool or any other invitation that might require a swimsuit?  Are parts of yourself dormant?

This challenge takes us right into spring and the Easter Season.  The season of new life and new beginnings.  What does your spring look like?  Are you ready to embrace life?  Do you feel your muscles gathering into buds ready to sprout into new strength?  Do you feel the energy of a lifestyle without the extra weight?  Are you preparing for your Spring?

Come out and walk with us and reflect on the dormant areas of your life.  Walk quietly and explore these ideas in your own mind.  Better yet, bring  a friend, meet your teammates there and share with each other.  You are not alone, we are all in it together.  Let’s get ready to greet the spring!

Even if you don't make it to the lake, still take some time to reflect on what YOUR spring is going to mean to YOU.


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