Monday, February 28, 2011

Something worth sharing...

Six Keys to Changing Almost Anything

(I have highlighted what I think is particularly relevant to the Fitness challenge)

Change is hard. As you consider what you want to do for Lent, you may keep the following ideas in mind as they may help you be more successful; in creating an environment where you can get closer to God. At The Energy Project, they have developed a way of making changes that has proved remarkably powerful and enduring.

Not surprising, their method is grounded in the recognition that human being are creatures of habit. Fully 95 percent of our behaviors are habitual, or occur in response to a strong external stimulus. Only 5 percent of our choices are consciously self-selected. Therefore the more one’s behaviors are ritualized and routinized — in the form of a deliberate practice — the less energy they require to launch, and the more they recur automatically

What follows are six key steps to making change that lasts:
1.       Be Highly Precise and Specific. Researchers call those "implementation intentions" (  and they dramatically increase your odds of success
2.      Take on one new challenge at a time. Computers can run several programs simultaneously. Human beings operate best when we take on one thing at a time, sequentially.
3.      Not too much, not too little. The most obvious mistake we make when we try to change something in our lives is that we bite off more than it turns out we can chew. sessions. It's also easy to go to the other extreme, and take on too little.
The only way to truly grow is to challenge your current comfort zone. The trick is finding a middle ground — pushing yourself hard enough that you get some real gain, but not too much that you find yourself unwilling to stay at it.
4.      What we resist persists. The only reasonable answer is to avoid the temptation. With email, the more effective practice is turn it off entirely at designated times, and then answer it in chunks at others. The less you have to think about what to do, the more successful you're likely to be.
5.      Competing Commitments. We all derive a sense of comfort and safety from doing what we've always done, even if it isn't ultimately serving us well. Researchers Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey call this "immunity to change." (  Even the most passionate commitment to change, they've shown, is invariably counterbalanced by an equally powerful but often unseen "competing" commitment not to change.
Here's a very simple way to surface your competing commitment. Think about a change you really want to make. Now ask yourself what you're currently doing or not doing to undermine that primary commitment. If you are trying to get more focused on important priorities, for example, your competing commitment might be the desire to be highly responsive and available to those emailing you.

For any change effort you launch, it's key to surface your competing commitment and then ask yourself "How can I design this practice so I get the desired benefits but also minimize the costs I fear it will prompt?"

  1. Keep the faith. Change is hard. It is painful. And you will experience failure at times.     The average person launches a change effort six separate times before it finally takes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where does the time go?

Did you notice anything different on the blog today?

Turns out my trusty Countdown Widget wasn't working quite right...  Yesterday the countdown said we had 71 days left but really, we have less than 50!  We just lost 3 weeks!  Come on Team ORANGE, it's time to get it in gear and get moving and losing!

How are things for you today?  Does the rain slow you down?  Does it invite you to sit on the couch, cuddled up with a movie and movie snacks?  Maybe even a fire in the hearth?  NO!  Rain should remind you that it's nearly SPRING and then comes SUMMER and shorts and swim suits and sleeveless tops and lots of outdoor activities that require you to be able to keep up with the young whipper-snappers.  These dreary days are your opportunity to get off the couch and prepare to welcome Spring.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Timothy 2 1:7

"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and of love and self-control." (Tim2 1:7)

I love this Bible verse.  It's one of the few I have actually memorized and it has pulled me through many a situation.  Whatever my fear - speaking in public, confronting a person I disagree with, setting a goal for myself - this verse reminds me that I am not alone.  I am not made to be timid or afraid.  When I set my sights on that which God wants from me, I know I have "a spirit of POWER and of LOVE and SELF-CONTROL."  It sometimes seems hard to believe, but I know it to be true.  For me, it's the first step of acknowledging my fear that helps me find the place where I set aside the fear and put my trust in God and His Spirit working within me.  There has been some talk of the fears people are discovering in this journey to Mind-Body-Spirit wellness.  Can you give your fears to God and trust in the Spirit He has given you?

I am reminded that I have a spirit of LOVE.  That I need to approach all situations and challenges with Love in my heart, not anger or even righteousness.  This applies to ourselves as well!  We must LOVE OURSELVES as we journey to wellness.  We must resist temptation out of love for ourselves and the body God gave us.  We must love ourselves enough to want what is best, not just what is easiest or most delicious.  LOVE leads us right into Self-Control.  When Self-Control comes from love it comes a little bit easier than when it comes from shame or guilt. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Have you hit the wall?

The following is from an email sent by Vic Hubbuch the Red Team Leader (underlining and highlighting emphasis mine):

Some of you are beginning to "hit a wall". It is the way our bodies are made. Here is why. I learned about the General Adaptation Principal. When you get in a routine, working out, work, or just about anything, your body begins to adapt to the stress we put on it. After about 4-6 weeks, your body is accustomed to the the stress. It performs the task more efficiently and burns fewer calories in the process. We call it different names. Hitting a wall. Reaching a plateau. I hit the wall in the first challenge at about 6 weeks in. Some will hit one earlier some later. Now the good news. You can beat it. By changing your routine or the intensity of your routine, your body will not be able to adjust. If you are walking 3 miles a day, push yourself harder and see how fast you can walk 2. Maybe throw in a short jog to get the heart rate up, then walk until you think you can do it again. Add an exercise to your workout. Start to carry small weights when you walk to give those arms a workout. Give yourself some variety.

After talking to some of you, it appears that you may not be taking in enough calories. If you do not get enough calories and proper nutrition, your body will go into survival mode and hang onto every pound it can. Proper nutrition and exercise is the key to losing the weight you want to lose.

Keep it up guys and girls,


I want to expand slightly on Vic's last remark.  You must eat enough calories to convince your body that you will continue to nourish it.  Everything I've read points to needing AT A MINIMUM 1250 net calories a day.  Just to breathe and digest food and sit and sleep.  This is where keeping that food journal becomes important, it shows you not only when you eat too many calories but also when you eat too few.  I've added a few new links to our list (to the right of this blog).  These are the sites Cyndi shared that are excellent resources for determinig how many calories you need and what your target should be each day as you are trying to lose weight in a healthy and effective manner.  Check them out and see if you need to make some adjustments...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Seen and Heard...

Excellent workout on Saturday...if we are lucky, we will have more opportunities for Peggy's classes in the near future, stay tuned for more information.

In some of the email traffic and overheard at the weigh-in:

"...called the cable company and had all the extra's removed.  My bill will be going down $52 a month.  I will squeeze a little out of the budget and start going to the Y."

"I just wish that as long as I'm eating right and working out that I could get immediate results..."

"...if you do nothing but stand in a one spot while watching a tv show and march...move your arms from your side to over your head and keep doing that, it will get your heart rate up, you have to get your heart rate up to burn fat, and it helps you work up a sweat, i know its hard to work out everyday but the more you do it the more you want it eventually..."

"Thought I'd pass on what I've been trying to do to squeeze in a few extra steps.  March in place while drying your hair ladies - I've counted before and I can usually get up to around 400+ extra steps in."

"Well, I misread the back of the bag – and I thought there were only 7 g of carbs in a 1 CUP serving, it’s actually 7g of carbs in a 1 OUNCE serving.  So – I’ve been messing up all the good I did (and I was getting very frustrated in the process)."

"The stories are probablay similar for all of you.  They were for me too.   It took months for me.  I know no one wants to hear that, but it was true.  THE GOOD NEWS is that in the first few months although it was slow and not so steady  - it was progress.   That's the most important thing.     You need to look at the progress and not the failures. "

"I keep trying to remind myself that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon.  I'm not just in this to "win", I just really need to look and feel better.  Even if I keep losing at this slow pace, at least I won't have gained and eventually the numbers will start to add up to significant weight loss." 

"I only gained one pound this week, which, consdering the week I've had, is pretty good!"

There is so much positive energy around this Fitness challenge.  When you are feeling down or unmotivated, read through the emails, hop on Facebook or here at Team ORANGE.  Everyone feels like quitting at times.  Everyone wishes it were easier and faster and more fun and less time consuming.  We can admit to all that, but it comes down to ...  so what? 

It is what it is and EVERYONE in this challenge knows what needs to be done.  We all know in our heads that sometimes it takes a slow start to really see a change, or that we will hit a plateau or that our weight will fluctuate sometimes up instead of down.  We know it in our heads, but our hearts get discouraged all the same.  Lean on each other and keep pushing through.  Science is on our side...EVENTUALLY, eating less and moving more WILL pay off.  YOU JUST HAVE TO KEEP AT IT!  YOU CAN DO IT!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Work-out Opportunity this Saturday!

Hi team!
Don't forget about this Saturday's opportunity to work-out at St. Gabriel:
Saturday, Feb. 12th
9:00 - 10:00 am

St. Gabriel Cafeteria



I'll be there, will you???

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day is on it's way...

So we just got through Super Bowl Sunday and now we are faced with Valentine's Day.  Does this look like a healthy Valentine's treat?
or how about this
You might be very surprised to learn that these are made from English muffins with either cream cheese or jam!  Visit this blog for more information:
Just goes to show that with a little thought, we can get through these holidays just fine!

What is your plan to avoid the chocolates and rich dinners this Valentine's Day? 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I received the following in an email this week (Orange Bolding is my emphasis):

Americans search for ways to infuse daily life with the sacred
In an article entitled “Infusing the Sacred Into Daily Life” in the first USA Today issue for February, 2011, I read the following, “Newlyweds Matthew and Becca Brench of South Hamilton, Mass., want to grow in contentment and self-control. To get there, they fast together every Wednesday, consuming nothing but water and fruit juice.” It was enough to cause me to read the entire article which you can do as well at
With Lent approaching I thought the article might be helpful in addressing the attitude that people don’t have time for “more” spiritual exercises. Here is where one can understand that “raising spiritual awareness may not necessarily require extra time — just extra mindfulness and intentionality in day-to-day activities.” The author D. Jeffrey MacDonald concludes with the idea that “Today, Americans are cultivating spirituality by probing deeper dimensions of things they do each day, from prayer to exercise and volunteering.”

One of my biggest excuses in my pre-fit life was that I didn't want to give the time to fitness.  I didn't want every day to revolve around when I would work out.  I didn't want every meal to be about counting calories.  I didn't want to be INTENTIONAL.  What I've discovered is that my life doesn't revolve around my efforts to be fit, but fitness is a part of my life.  It doesn't take any longer to make a healthy meal than an unhealthy one.  Honest!  Really think about the time you spend in line in the drive-through and then getting the meal home and handing out everyone's meals and finally eating.  Probably, you've given 20-30 minutes and more money to a meal that is not going to help you on your goal to a healthier you.  Those same 20-30 minutes spent preparing a meal would have served you and your family better and saved you money!  Be intentional about a better lifestyle and discover that it isn't any harder...just better.

What examples do you have where you choose the option that seems easier and quicker, but not good for you?  Is is really any quicker?  Do you really feel any better?  Share!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Okay team, only a few more days until the next weigh-in.  How are we doing?  How was the Super Bowl?  Did you behave?  Do you feel Super or Super-sized?  You know what?  It doesn't matter because today is a new day. 

How are those food journals coming along?  Anyone record every bite all last week???  I've heard from Annie and Kate both (and Teri previously) about what an eye opener it is to really see what you eat.  If you haven't tried it yet, please do!

While I am working out on the elliptical, I like to watch tv.  I have been watching the television series 24.  I never watched it when it was on and last night I started season 6.  Each episode is 42-46 minutes long and I like to stay on the machine for at least 40 minutes - the timing is perfect.  The pace of the show is quick and entertaining and really helps the time fly by.  There are some days where finding out what will happen next to poor Jack Bauer is the only thing that gets me on the machine!  How do you entertain and motivate yourself when working out?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lakeside Walk today (we hope)

With any luck, today will be a lovely walk around the lake...pondering and reflecting "What in my life is dormant?"

The lake is a great setting to walk and reflect on why you are a part of this Fitness Challenge.  Most of the trees are bare, no leaves, no birds, no life.  This is the dormant season.  Do you feel like your life is currently dormant?  Are you waiting to live until after you reach your goal?   Are you unable to physically do the things you want to be able to do?  Like walk upstairs all the way from the basement to the 2nd level of your home or walk the dog a mile and a half or run along your child’s bike as she learns how to ride without training wheels?  Do you avoid the pool or any other invitation that might require a swimsuit?  Are parts of yourself dormant?

This challenge takes us right into spring and the Easter Season.  The season of new life and new beginnings.  What does your spring look like?  Are you ready to embrace life?  Do you feel your muscles gathering into buds ready to sprout into new strength?  Do you feel the energy of a lifestyle without the extra weight?  Are you preparing for your Spring?

Come out and walk with us and reflect on the dormant areas of your life.  Walk quietly and explore these ideas in your own mind.  Better yet, bring  a friend, meet your teammates there and share with each other.  You are not alone, we are all in it together.  Let’s get ready to greet the spring!

Even if you don't make it to the lake, still take some time to reflect on what YOUR spring is going to mean to YOU.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi Team ORANGE!  It's the Thursday before Super Bowl Sunday. That means it is time to start making a plan.  Super Bowl parties tend to involve a LOT of food (and not healthy food either) and often a LOT of beer or other alcoholic beverages.  Start thinking about how you are going to handle the temptations, what your limits will be so that on Monday YOU will feel like the winner!  If you know you are going to indulge, schedule in some extra workout time and plan to eat super healthy on Saturday and Monday.  No one is saying you can't enjoy the party, just be smart about it and plan for it.

I have my fingers crossed that the weather is decent enough for our lake-side hike this Saturday.  I am really feeling the pull to be outside and active.  The forecast has deteriorated as the week has progressed, unfortunately, but sometimes we have to be tougher than the weather.  If we wait for the perfect day, we'll be waiting a LONG time.

Finally, I want to congratualte our whole team!  Everyone weighed in and is sticking with it!  Next weigh-in is February 13.  Are you ready???


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kate checks in...

Well, the week is starting off really well.  I have started using the myfitnesspal ap on my phone and I think that it will be really great for keeping me accountable! (Betsy, I decided to use this one because it will be more convenient than logging in only at night at home.)  I also went to the LIFE Christian fitness class at Fern Creek Christian Church last night and it really kicked my butt!  I hope to go back this Thursday as well.  (Betsy, the ladies there had great things to say about you---of course I assured them we must be talking about two different people...ha, ha)

Teri, I hope that your weigh-in went well!  You have been kind of quiet the past day or two so I just wanted to check in.

Wendy and Rusty, we'd love to have you join the discussion. What have you two been up to?

Annie, how was your workout last night? 


February 1

It's a new month - February is here.  Are you ready to make it a GREAT month?

This is a reminder about the activity  chart that Cyndi gave everyone at the kick-off.  Are you using it?  How many points have you earned?  What's the easiest way for you to earn a point?  What's the biggest challenge?

The last 2 weeks, Cyndi challenged us to keep the daily food log everyday - every bite! - for at least a week.  Did you do it?  What did you learn?  It's a fascinating exercise because you WILL learn something.  Maybe you will learn that you don't want to eat as much when you have to write it down...maybe you'll learn that your portions are quite larger than you realized...maybe you'll learn that you don't eat very much protein....maybe you'll learn that your diet is actually pretty good...

One of the benefits to the daily food log is the simple discipline of keeping this challenge at the forefront of your mind all day.  If you are committed to writing down everything that goes in your mouth (if you bite it, you write it!) then all day long you will be aware of what you are a part of this challenge.  Don't look at it as if you are being scolded over every choice - look at it as being part of something larger than yourself.  You are now part of Team ORANGE!  You are part of the St. Gabriel Fitness Challenge!  You are NOT alone!

So, if you haven't kept a food log for a full week yet, try starting today.  It WILL impact you and it WILL help you!  Leave a comment letting us all know how you plan to approach the daily logging challenge.
