Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back in the saddle again

Hi all!

The Summer Meltdown has begun. I've joined the non-competitive team this time around.  That's right, I'm right there in it with you!  After losing 30 pounds last year, I've managed to gain back 8 in about 2 weeks.  They are just sitting there, taunting me, telling me that they aren't going anywhere.  WELL, I don't think I'll accept that. 

I'm back using my favorite little ap - LoseIt.  I am on a plan that has me losing a pound a week so that sets my daily calorie budget.  I input EVERYTHING I eat and it deducts the calories from my budget.  I input all my exercise and it adds those to my budget  I have a record of my wieght and which days I stay within the budget and what I'm eating...I can even see what my percentage of fat/carbs/protein is each day and a weekly trend.  It's great! 

I'm keeping up with the exercise - trying to shake it up a bit.  Trying some new things like live Zumba classes (as opposed to Zumba for the Wii) and a Boot Camp at Woodhaven. 

I invite ALL OF YOU to try something new at our first ever FIT FRIDAYS on June 3.  We'll do one of the INSANITY workouts.  A couple weeks later, we'll try one of the P90X workouts.  The idea is to challenge yourself and to try something different.  Break out of the rut.  Shock the body.  Make a difference.  (add your own little catch phrase here...)

So, who's going to attend the Fit Friday?  What are your goals for the Summer Meltdown?  Who else is 'angry' with their weight?

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