Monday, January 31, 2011

Way to Go Jennifer!

Congratulations go to Jennifer for having the largest % lost these past two weeks for Team ORANGE - 4.21%.  That is FANTASTIC! 

Below is from Cyndi's email with the results, as of Sunday afternoon:

PHENOMENAL!!!!!  THE ENTIRE FIRST CHALLENGE LOST  300 LBS OVER THREE MONTHS.  IN TWO WEEKS THIS GROUP HAS LOST OVER 200 LBS!   I am willing to make a bet that we top the 500 pound mark by the end of this challenge.  This is so exciting!
There were only a handful that did not make it to the weigh in and because some of them make have been sick, etc…I expect to hear from them all.  So those numbers will be increasing!!  The  current standings (subject to change - see below) for the person from each team who lost the biggest percentage are : 
BLUE – Pat S (1.92%)
LILAC - Penny T(5.05%)
ORANGE – Jennifer B (4.21%)
GREEN – Tara C (5.04%)
RED –Bill H(5.80%)

It's a new day and a new week and, tomorrow, a new Month.  If you think you haven't really 'started' yet, Now is the time!  Go Team ORANGE!

Last note, in the previous post I mentioned that you can SUBSCRIBE to this blog to receive email updates when there is a new post.  On the right side of the screen it's actually called FOLLOW.  Leave a comment if you have any questions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hi Team ORANGE!  In an effort to decrease the amount of email traffic, I thought we could try a blog.

Anyone can post, but you do have to email me and then I'll cut and paste it to the site.  At the end of each post, you will see a bar that includes COMMENTS.  Click on Comments and it will let you leave a remark and see what others have commented.  This way, we can have 'conversations' that will stay on each topic.  If you love the emails, you can SUBSCRIBE to this blog and it will send an email to you for each post.  Once you comment on a post you can then receive emails when others post, it's up to you.

You will notice on the right side of our blog, I have a few useful tools: the Countdown so we can all see how many days we have left, a List of Links to other useful websites, and a Daily Wellness tip.  Let me know if there are other helpful tools you would like to see here.  Also, please share any websites that you think are worthwhile additions to our Link List.

This Blog is a Living thing.  It will require comments and postings from more than just me!  Let's be smart, however and remember that it is public so when it comes to setting up meetings and such, keep information like time and place secure by using email for the details.

Let's Go Team ORANGE!